Caring Together, Living Better (CTLB) Program for Partners

Welcome, CTLB Partners!

This is the Caring Together, Living Better Program’s website designed specifically for partners. All materials and resources related to AgeOptions’ FY2024 CTLB Program will be found here.

“Our mission is to support and empower faith and community-based organizations to provide resources, education, and community to low-income African American and Latinx caregivers and older adults.” Our mission statement was developed with the support of our partners and volunteers to encompass the heart of the Caring Together, Living Better Program.

CLICK HERE to view a calendar of our mandatory meetings and reporting deadlines!

CTLB Leadership Council Meetings Materials:

Reporting Documents and Materials:

Program Pages/Platforms:

 AgeOptions Resources:


AgeOptions and Our Community Partners:


**If you have any questions, please contact **












Posted on August 16, 2023

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