Take Charge of Your Health programs allow you to learn to thrive, not just survive with your ongoing health conditions!
All programs in the Take Charge series of programs meet once a week for 2.5 hours (with a 20-minute break) for six consecutive weeks. Workshops are interactive, small group sessions. Workshops are offered in person or virtually on a Zoom platform.
All programs teach participants skills such as action planning and goal setting, problem solving and communication strategies. Workshops also teach techniques to better manage pain, improve sleep, increase exercise tolerance and improve nutrition. Each program delves deeper into topics specific to the workshop focus.
Take Charge of Your Health programs have a successful track record of changing lives. Workshops form in communities throughout the year. If you or your caregiver are interested in attending a workshop, please click the link under the program that meets your need. Go to the Illinois Pathways to Health “Find Classes” page to register for a currently scheduled program.
Designed for any person living with any chronic conditions such as heart disease, COPD, asthma, or arthritis, family members or caregivers.
Spanish language version of Take Charge of Your Health.
Designed for any person who is diabetic or pre diabetic, family members and caregivers.
An eight-week workshop for participants with a diabetes diagnosis. Participants must have a physician referral. This AgeOptions program is accredited by the American Association of Diabetes Educators and is eligible for Medicare reimbursement. (Currently available only in Cook County)
Spanish language version of Take Charge of Your Diabetes
Designed for any person living with chronic pain, family members and caregivers.
Designed for any person living with cancer, survivors and others impacted by cancer.
“Take Charge of Your Health” is the Illinois branded name for the Stanford Patient Education Research Center Chronic Disease and Diabetes Self-Management programs developed in the 1990s.
For more information: Call AgeOptions at (800)699-9043 or email info@ilpathwaystohealth.org
We offer a cost-effective contracting solution to organizations that want to offer one of our health promotion programs on a local, regional or statewide level to their patients/members. Our program providers enter into a contractual agreement with our agency, and are responsible for planning and monitoring the implementation of the programs.
Our host site partners provide a physical location where workshops take place in the community. Host sites are not compensated for hosting a workshop, and may be asked to assist with finding and registering participants.
For information about Illinois Pathways to Health partnership, contact us.
Are you interested in empowering others — and yourself — to improve health and confidence, while having fun leading a class right in your own community? Illinois Pathways to Health is looking for people like you to become class leaders who will educate, motivate, and inspire people to become their best selves. No experience? No worries! We will provide thorough class leader training in the Illinois Pathways to Health program area you’re most interested in.
Click below to see a list of our upcoming leader training opportunities.